Aframax Crude Oil Tankers Delivered

26th Jul 2018

The delivery of two Aframax crude oil tankers built under SeaQuest supervision was successfully completed at DAEHAN Shipbuilding yard on 26 July 2018.

The owners, Metrostar Corporation, have two more LR2 product carriers under construction at the same yard and again supervised by SeaQuest.

So far Metrostar has appointed SeaQuest for the supervision of more than 30 new buildings, including VLCCs, Suezmax and Aframax oil tankers, Handy and Capesize bulk carriers.
Some of those vessels have been resold while under construction: SeaQuest supervision played a crucial role in the smooth novation of the ship building contract and in all cases the company has been re-confirmed by the new owners to complete the construction supervision.


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